I am an artist that focuses on the use of game engines, game design, and programming to create interactive new media works. I view games as a medium that is immediately approachable for a lot of people, especially those who are apprehensive of more traditional forms of fine art. These works are rendered physically as interactive sculpture or as downloadable files to be viewed on a computer. My work revolves around the role of the individual in society and culture, containing themes of introspection and interpersonal relationships. Utilizing games as a Trojan horse mechanism, I seek to disseminate my ideas about how societies and the individual interact. This usually involves placing the viewer in a position where they must question the content of my work while engaging with it. The emotional response a person can have towards an action and the way that a viewer may internalize their immediate experience interests me. I ask viewers to question their relationship with themselves, others, and the corporate world that surrounds them. Specifically in the United States, where rugged individualism is held in high regard, people often alienate themselves from sociocultural ills. In order to solve systemic issues, individuals must see themselves as active members of society and as directly connected to the public.
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